What does a complete bracing solution mean for structural engineers?

Designed to streamline the planning and installation process, DonoBrace is an off-the-shelf system for tension-only rod bracing.  

A complete bracing system means a simpler process for structural engineers, fabricators, and installers. Rather than following traditional methods and relying on multiple bracing products for one project, DonoBrace is a single solution. Structural engineers simply specify one product, complete with all the required components.  

Incorporating DonoBrace into drawings 

Like typical bracing systems, DonoBrace is compatible with drafting software. Structural engineers simply indicate on the structural drawings the DonoBrace size and placement. We’ve created comprehensive specifications for multiple sizes of DonoBrace – each with known and extensively-tested capacities and properties.  

What sets DonoBrace apart from typical systems is the ability to use a single product with one specification. Rather than having to write in multiple products, DonoBrace is designed to act as a complete tension bracing system.  

Compared to standard procedure for bracing, an off-the-shelf system requires less effort while also providing total confidence when it comes to performance and quality. 

Streamlined communication 

Standardising bracing not only cuts down on effort and responsibility for structural engineers during the design phase – it also reduces confusion down the line.  

DonoBrace specifications have been created to make every point of the bracing process clear and user-friendly. This includes straightforward procedures and documentation for builders and fabricators. Because the DonoBrace design is the same every time, structural steel detailers are less likely to need to order a Request for Information (RFI).  

Using an off-the-shelf product, ultimately, means better fabrication consistency, and more industry-wide familiarity with tension bracing. 

As Donovan Group’s Lead Engineer Kerry McCollum explains, “DonoBrace isn’t just a clevel piece of engineering. It’s a culmination of great customer service, useability, and material efficiency.” 

Confidence in performance 

Part of standardising a bracing system is taking the burden of responsibility off the shoulders of structural engineers. 

DonoBrace has already completed extensive testing for the system, and provided the specifications to fabricate every element of the product.  

“We’ve done all the hard work,” says Donovan Group’s Head Engineer Kerry McCollum, “providing structural engineers with everything they need for bracing a portal frame building.” 

Design flexibility 

Because DonoBrace is a high capacity bracing system, it requires less weight to support the same loads.  

Using a smaller rod size with a higher yield allows structural engineers slightly more flexibility in choosing which rod to use. This provides the option to keep weight down for bracing material.  

As a lighter bracing product with greater capacities, DonoBrace provides material savings, quicker installation, easier transport options, and greater design flexibility – all of which help reduce overall project costs. 


As a high capacity tension-only rod bracing system, DonoBrace offers a better solution for structural engineers. A standardised bracing product means: 

  • A more time-efficient process for planning bracing systems 
  • Less responsibility for providing specifications 
  • Better familiarity across the construction industry 
  • Design flexibility using a high capacity rod 


For more information about DonoBrace, or to discuss the future of tension bracing, connect with our expert team. 

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